In Saints Row 2, Health Regeneration speed increases are unlocked through the Snatch activity in the Chinatown District. How do you get more health in Saints Row 2? After exiting the activity, the Challenger is there. Press the “Enter Vehicle” button, then do nothing until the timer runs out. When the tank appears, suck the driver out with the Black Hole Launcher, but don’t destroy the tank. The Challenger appears in On-Foot Mayhem near the Broken Shillelagh. How do you get the challenger in Saints Row 4? In Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV, the Cheat for infinite Sprint is “runfast”. In Saints Row 2, the Cheat for infinite Sprint is #6. In Saints Row, the Cheat for infinite Sprint is #777468 (#sprint). How do you get unlimited sprint in Saints Row 2?